Customer Feedback Form

CONTACT INFORMATION: We take your privacy seriously. It will not be shared with, or sold, to others.
Name *


Address *

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State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code

Email *
Phone Number *

What are you most interested in from Tools USA? *
Why did you choose Tools USA? *
 I like the company & their customer service 
 I like the products they offer 
 I find it a good value 
What is your purpose in shopping Tools USA products? *
How satisfied are you with the Tools USA customer support? *
 Very satisfied 
 Somewhat satisfied 
 Not satisfied 
Why or why not? *
How satisfied are you with Tools USA products? *
 Very satisfied 
 Somewhat satisfied 
 Not satisfied 
How likely are you to purchase from Tools USA in the next 3 Months? *
 Very likely 
 Somewhat likely 
 Not very likely 
Would you recommend Tools USA? *
Other Comments
Can Tools USA use your comments as a customer testimonial in their marketing efforts? *
Can they use your name? *
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