Proper spray booth filter maintenance is crucial to obtaining a great paint job. Without the proper air balance, your booth will perform poorly and your operating costs will be higher than necessary.
To achieve proper balance, filters must remove and hold contaminants but still allow for proper air flow in the booth. Delaying a filter change will result in poor quality jobs. We all know what that means…unnecessary added costs from buffing, sanding, booth cleaning, etc. I always say… “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right the first time”
Cross draft booth intake filters should be changed every one to three months and down draft ceiling filters should be changed every four to six months. This is on average because each operating environment is different and paint hours can fluctuate greatly. Exhaust paint arrestor pads/filters should be changed every one to two weeks or more often if the manometer/draft gage on your booth measures high.
We will be glad to assist you in determining which filters are needed for your booth. We even offer kits for our Standard Tools booths. Buying these in kit form can save you tons of money.
Kelly Goudy
Sales Manager
Paint Booths by Standard Tools and Equipment Co.