Spray booths are generally made of steel. Due to the dramatic decrease in demand based on global markets, steel prices are as low as they have been for several years. Steel mills are reducing the amount of steel available on the market in order to increase prices as we go into 2010. Market specialists all agree that steel price will increase by 10-20% over the next six months. The price of paint booths will be affected by this increase.
You need time to install a booth and get it through the permitting process. In this slower economy most shops have time to get the spray booth installed and through the permitting process. The permitting process can take from a couple of days to months depending on your local inspectors and other factors. Also, most inspectors are more available now as construction levels are slower than normal.
Now is good time to start installing your spray booth so that you have it ready to use when your business level increases. To wait may mean getting that spray paint booth when you are too busy to install it and the inspectors are too busy to be easily available